I've done what I can to trouble shoot the issue, I wish I knew what was causing it, but I do know it is recount, I do know that even with a clean file it does it, and I do know that changing the settings don't stop it. I've run into quite a few other people who have the issue but know that addon support is pretty hard to come by. I've had to stop using the addon totally. I've reset all the settings to the default, sadly nothing works to stop this from happening. This is just while standing in sw doing nothing at all. IF, about every 2-3 mins, I click on 'clear data' as if you would when you start a new group/fight, it will drop the memory down to about 70ish, and start over with it's climb. I logged into wow and watched my mem usage slowly climb from 58 to 128 before it locked up wow and I had to hard shut down wow and restart it. What they describe as high memory usage often means 1 megabyte or more. I then downloaded a new copy of recount, and reloaded it. is the third and last chapter that is entirely focused on Lua and uses only a. I then rebooted my computer and ran a virus scan just to be sure. I uninstalled recount, I went into my computer and deleted -every- single file with the name recount on it, I searched manually through my wow folder for anything I could see linked to recount.

I systematically went through my addon's, found that the increase memory usage is coming from recount.